Transition from traditional server hosting to an "Edge" and "Serverless" architecture for their blog and services
RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is a method that combines information retrieval and text generation to improve the quality and accuracy of the answers generated by language models. The simplest way to understand RAG is to imagine chatting with ChatGPT; it almost answers all the questions you ask because it has been trained on many data sources. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage: the advantage is that it knows everything; the disadvantage is that sometimes it doesn't know specific details, providing vague answers. RAG, on the other hand, limits the amount of knowledge the language models learn, or only learns and answers questions based on a limited dataset we provide. It sounds simple, but the reality is quite complex.
🕝3 months ago
Hi there, 2coffee.dev readers. Have you noticed that the autumn atmosphere has become clearer in Hanoi recently? The morning was cool, and the evening came with strong winds. But behind that was a busy week for me. I was focused on running the "deadline" for my company's project, and in the evening, I tried to complete the search function for my blog. This deadline was different from usual because it was the main feature for the year for the product. And as for the blog, the search function had to be completed sooner or later, and this was the perfect time to do it.
🕝5 months ago
Me & the desire to "play with words"
Have you tried writing? And then failed or not satisfied? At 2coffee.dev we have had a hard time with writing. Don't be discouraged, because now we have a way to help you. Click to become a member now!
Search is one of the key features on any website. Through search functionality, users can easily explore the content of your website. There are many ways to provide search capabilities to users, such as categorizing options or using tags to filter content, or simply providing a search box for users to enter their own search queries. Nowadays, user experience is becoming increasingly important, and it is...
🕝2 years ago
I recently wrote an article on my blog about using RediSearch as the main database at Estacks. What is RediSearch? Estacks is using RediSearch as a database! Along with that, the reasons to use RediSearch for full-text search in RediSearch. Everything is working great so far, except for one thing - I want to work with JSON data in the most convenient way...
🕝2 years ago
The problem of searching data in the fastest and most accurate way has always been a timeless question for developers. Depending on the purpose, the problem, and the available resources, we can choose different tools and methods. For example, when working with a small dataset, you can use the LIKE operator in SQL. However, when the data grows larger, LIKE is no longer an optimal method. At that point, you can switch to using the fulltext search modules available in the database system you are using...
🕝3 years ago
Databases are an essential part of modern websites. Most of us have heard of two main types: SQL and NoSQL. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on the use case. Redis is a NoSQL database that is commonly used for data caching purposes. For those who don't know, my blog uses redisearch as the database. Redisearch is a module of Redis. Before adopting redisearch, I used MySQL. But why? Is it difficult to switch to redisearch and is it easy to use redisearch? Let’s explore these questions in this article...
🕝3 years ago