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Transforming the Blog into "Web is on the edge"
Transforming the Blog into "Web is on the edge"

Transition from traditional server hosting to an "Edge" and "Serverless" architecture for their blog and services

Discussion on Load Balancing
Discussion on Load Balancing

Load balancing, an important technique in distributed systems to ensure performance, availability, and scalability of applications. It helps systems operate stably under unpredictable traffic from users.

Discussing the npm run build command – why is it necessary to build?
Discussing the npm run build command – why is it necessary to build?

npm run build command, which is essential for JavaScript developers preparing to release applications.

How to Delete a Pushed Commit
How to Delete a Pushed Commit

How to delete a pushed commit in Git, addressing a common issue many users face. It highlights that while some resources provide guidance on deleting unpushed commits, the process for pushed commits is more complex and risky.

Measuring the Execution Time of Functions in JavaScript in a Graceful Way
Measuring the Execution Time of Functions in JavaScript in a Graceful Way

The execution time of functions in JavaScript to identify performance issues in applications. It highlights the challenges developers face when unexpected problems arise, such as slow API responses due to certain functions taking excessive processing time.

  • A Compilation of Free and High-Quality Serverless Databases
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    • 🏷️database

    A Compilation of Free and High-Quality Serverless Databases

    I'm sure there are many people here who are familiar with the name MongoDB, a No-SQL database that was once very popular. A few years ago, anyone who didn't know or work with Mongo might have been considered "outdated". Ha! I'm just joking, of course, but I want to emphasize its widespread use. There are many ways to set up a Mongo server, from configuring it through the source code to installing it through the package manager integrated in the operating system, such as apt on Ubuntu or brew on MacOS. Just type a few commands and the software is installed in a few minutes...

    🕝5 months ago

  • Issues with Serverless Memory - Deno Deploy
    • 🏷️serverless
    • 🏷️deno
    • 🏷️deploy

    Issues with Serverless Memory - Deno Deploy

    It's autumn in Hanoi, the weather is no longer hot and harsh like summer, but instead, there are occasional rains. Rainy days are flooding, causing many troubles. I hate this kind of weather! For over half a month now, my body has been quite "soft", a bit sluggish and frail. I don't want to exercise much, and my performance has gone down. Many days, I just want to lie down and take a nap after work. The next morning, I wake up with occasional headaches, and my working efficiency is reduced by half 🫣

    🕝6 months ago

  • Premium

    Me & the desire to "play with words"

    Have you tried writing? And then failed or not satisfied? At 2coffee.dev we have had a hard time with writing. Don't be discouraged, because now we have a way to help you. Click to become a member now!

    Have you tried writing? And then failed or not satisfied? At 2coffee.dev we have had a hard time with writing. Don't be discouraged, because now we have a way to help you. Click to become a member now!

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  • A More In-Depth Article on Serverless
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    A More In-Depth Article on Serverless

    Serverless is a concept that is not unfamiliar to many. When we talk about Serverless, we often think of "no servers" just as its name suggests. Hmm… no servers, what does that mean? I don't know why people came up with that name, but it seems to me that they wanted to emphasize the fact that you don't need servers to run your code. We all know that running code usually requires a server to deploy everything on. From source code to databases to message queues... for the tech stacks being used.

    🕝1 year ago