Transition from traditional server hosting to an "Edge" and "Serverless" architecture for their blog and services
A Design Pattern, also known as a Pattern, is a general solution or design to solve a specific problem. It is synthesized and used by many people to solve similar problems. When solving a problem, Patterns are often considered or recommended. Therefore, the more design patterns you know, the more ideas you have to solve the problem in the most appropriate way. The Circuit Breaker Pattern is a design pattern inspired by a "circuit breaker". When a short circuit or overload occurs due to too many electrical devices consuming power...
🕝2 years ago
Imagine you are a skilled Front-end developer who has just finished designing the interface and is only waiting to connect with the API. Or in another scenario, you are assigned the task of integrating the system with a partner through an API. They have provided complete documentation and you only need to connect to the data as described. But...
🕝2 years ago
Me & the desire to "play with words"
Have you tried writing? And then failed or not satisfied? At 2coffee.dev we have had a hard time with writing. Don't be discouraged, because now we have a way to help you. Click to become a member now!