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  • A Compilation of Free and High-Quality Serverless Databases

    This article is about the compilation of free and high-quality serverless databases.

    I'm sure there are many people here who are familiar with the name MongoDB, a No-SQL database that was once very popular. A few years ago, anyone who didn't know or work with Mongo might have been considered "outdated". Ha! I'm just joking, of course, but I want to emphasize its widespread use. There are many ways to set up a Mongo server, from configuring it through the source code to installing it through the package manager integrated in the operating system, such as apt on Ubuntu or brew on MacOS. Just type a few commands and the software is installed in a few minutes...

  • Transforming the Blog into "Web is on the edge"

    This article is about the author's transition from traditional server hosting to an "Edge" and "Serverless" architecture for their blog and services.

    Hello readers, it's been a week since my last update. Just like before, I have successfully completed my plan. Today, I’m here to present to you what it is. When people say "Web is on the edge," it means that your website or application will be hosted simultaneously on multiple servers in various locations around the world. When someone requests your website/application, they will be redirected to the nearest geographically located server. These distributed servers not only serve static content but also execute custom code to create a dynamic web application...

  • Completing the Blog Conversion to "Web is on the edge"

    This article is about the author's journey in completing the conversion of their blog to a "Web is on the edge" architecture, which involves hosting applications on multiple geographically distributed servers for improved performance and reliability.

    Hello readers, I've been silent for over a week. Just like before, I've just finished my plan. Today, I'm here to show you what it is. When people say "Web is on the edge", it means that your website or application will be hosted simultaneously on multiple servers in different locations around the world. When someone requests your website/application, they will be redirected to the nearest geographically server. These distributed servers...

  • Tear Down and Rebuild

    This article is about the author's reflections and plans for the blog 2coffee.dev following the completion of the OpenNotas project.

    Hello readers of 2coffee.dev, it's been a while since I last met you. After completing and launching the OpenNotas project in early June, a week later was dedicated to "fixing bugs," and recently I took a short trip to "reset" myself after six months of hard work. By the way, have you all made plans for your next trip? Take some time to rest and enjoy life; don't dive too deep into work or you might get "overloaded"...

  • Diary of Working on Notas - Part III

    This article is about the author's progress in developing Notas over the past week, highlighting various challenges and achievements.

    Another week has passed, for someone focusing on doing something, the feeling of time passing is as fast as a blink of an eye. Work is still there, but turn around and it's already the end of the day, I'm sitting here and struggling to tell you about what I've accomplished in the past week. It can be said that this week in general is lighter...