Using Gitlab's Free Shared Runners for CI/CD

Using Gitlab's Free Shared Runners for CI/CD

Daily short news for you
  • How I wish I had discovered this repository earlier. github/ is a place that guides everyone on everything about Open Source. From how to contribute code, how to start your own open-source project, to the knowledge that anyone should know when stepping into this field 🤓

    Especially, this content is directly from Github.

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  • Just the other day, I mentioned and today I came across - another open-source project that can replace Heroku/Netlify/Vercel.

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    Could this be the trend for application deployment in the future? 🤔

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  • One of the things I really like about command lines is their 'pipeline' nature. You can imagine each command as a pipe; when connected together, they create a flow of data. The output of one pipe becomes the input of another... and so on.

    In terms of application, there are many examples; you can refer to the article Practical Data Processing Using Commands on MTTQVN Statement File. By combining commands, we turn them into powerful data analysis tools.

    Recently, I combined the wrangler command with jq to make it easier to view logs from the worker. wrangler is Cloudflare's command line interface (CLI) that integrates many features. One of them helps us view logs from Worker using the command:

    $ wrangler tail --config /path/to/wrangler.toml --format json

    However, the logs from the above command contain a lot of extraneous information, spilling over the screen, while we only want to see a few important fields. So, what should we do?

    Let’s combine it with jq. jq is a very powerful JSON processing command. It makes working with JSON data in the terminal much easier. Therefore, to filter information from the logs, it’s quite simple:

    $ wrangler tail --config /path/to/wrangler.toml --format json | jq '{method: .event.request.method, url: .event.request.url, logs }'

    The above command returns structured JSON logs consisting of only 3 fields: method, url, and logs 🔥

    » Read more


CI/CD involves the frequent and rapid integration of code and the delivery of new releases. CI/CD makes the process from coding to deploying applications faster and more automated.

Typically, we go through steps such as writing code -> testing (unit testing) -> code commit -> build -> deploy... But with integrated CI/CD, many steps in the code writing -> deployment process can be automated.

CI/CD is supported on code management platforms like Gitlab, Github... and is triggered by events like code commit. To use CI/CD, Runners need to be set up to connect to your account. The Runners play a role in processing your code and application logic.

In this article, I will discuss how to use Gitlab's Shared Runner.

Gitlab Shared Runner

If you use Gitlab for code management, you can use Shared Runners with free time of up to 400 minutes for Private projects and unlimited for Public and Community projects.

It may not seem like a lot, but for personal projects that save costs and can integrate CI/CD, it is worth using. My blog is currently using this method for automated deployment to the Development environment.

To activate Shared runners, go to Project > Settings > CI/CD and check Enable shared runners for this project.

Enable gitlab shared runners

Below the Available shared runners, you will see the number of Shared runners provided by Gitlab along with their statuses. Pay attention to the "label" below each Runner, as we will need it to specify the necessary Runner for each stage's usage.

gitlab runner

How to use

.gitlab-ci.yml is the yml file to activate Gitlab's CI/CD. It contains the configuration and directives for our automation process.

The 2coffee blog uses Docker to build and push the image to the Gitlab registry, then sends an HTTP request to the server to update the service, creating a complete CI/CD process.

I divide it into 2 stages: build/push image and HTTP request:

  - build
  - curl-docker-ci

In the build stage, the Runner that supports Docker is used, so I set the tags as docker. Parameters such as login information/registry password are passed through Variables, which are set up in Gitlab. Instead of specifying the steps to build & push the image directly in the yml file, I created a file named which contains bash commands to build & push the image.

Lastly, since I only want to set up CI/CD for the Development environment, I specify that CI should only run when code is committed to the develop branch.

  stage: build
  image: docker:20.10.9
    - docker
    - docker:dind
    - echo "$DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASS" | docker login $DOCKER_REGISTRY --username $DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin
    - if [ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" = "develop" ]; then
    - develop

The content of is simple:

#!/bin/sh -e


docker build -t ${name} -f ./Dockerfile .  

docker push ${name}

In the next step, I also run a file that contains the CURL command for an HTTP request to the server to update the service. Since this bash command only needs a Linux environment to run, I specify the tags as linux.

  stage: curl-docker-ci
    - linux
    - ./build/bin/
    - develop simply contains one curl command:

#!/bin/sh -e

curl --location --request POST $DOCKER_CI_ENDPOINT \
--header "Authorization: Basic $DOCKER_CI_BASIC_AUTH" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name": "'$DOCKER_CI_SERVICE_NAME'"}'

Putting it all together, I have a complete .gitlab-ci.yml file like this:

  - build
  - curl-docker-ci

  stage: build
  image: docker:20.10.9
    - docker
    - docker:dind
    - echo "$DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASS" | docker login $DOCKER_REGISTRY --username $DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin
    - if [ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" = "develop" ]; then
    - develop

  stage: curl-docker-ci
    - linux
    - ./build/bin/
    - develop

Now, let's try committing code to the develop branch and go to Project > CI/CD > Pipelines to see if the CI is activated.

shared runner running


CI/CD is the process of frequent and rapid integration and delivery of new releases. Thanks to CI/CD, many steps from coding to deploying applications can be automated.

If you use Gitlab for code management, you can use up to 400 minutes of free CI/CD. Although it may not seem like a lot, you can register a Runner to remove this limitation.


Me & the desire to "play with words"

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Comments (3)

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Thành Đỗ2 years ago
Cho mình xin cách dùng curl để update service với ad
Thành Đỗ2 years ago
Cảm ơn ạ        
Xuân Hoài Tống2 years ago
À mình viết một rest service bằng docker sdk để chọc vào docker mà update service thôi đó bạn
Hương Trịnh2 years ago
Không đăng nhập được bằng github ad ơi
Xuân Hoài Tống2 years ago
Ok bạn mình kiểm tra lại ạ
Tùng Nguyễn2 years ago
Bạn có bài viết nào nói về ci cd không
Xuân Hoài Tống2 years ago
Chào bạn, hiện chưa có ạ
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