Never Block the Event Loop

Never Block the Event Loop


All requests from receiving to responding go through the Event Loop. This means that if the Event Loop spends too much time at any point, all current requests and new requests will be blocked.

We should ensure that we never block the Event Loop. In other words, each callback function should complete as quickly as possible. This also applies to await, Promise.then, etc.

A good way to ensure this is to consider the "algorithmic complexity" of your callback functions. If a callback function doesn't care about the input size, we can ensure "fairness" for each request. If callbacks perform different processing steps depending on their arguments, then we should be concerned about the worst-case scenario of how much time it takes.

Here's an example of a request that doesn't care about the input:

app.get('/constant-time', (req, res) => {

And here's an example of a request where the processing time depends on the input:

app.get('/countToN', (req, res) => {
  const n = req.query.n;
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // do something on each iteration

Node.js uses the V8 Engine, which is pretty fast for many common operations. However, it also has some exceptional cases when it comes to working with regexps or JSON.

REDOS: Denial of Service attacks with regexp patterns

A common way to block the Event Loop is to use a "vulnerable" regexp pattern. That's why we should avoid using vulnerable regexps.

Understandably, sometimes we need to use regexps to determine or search for a certain string. Unfortunately, in some cases, combining regex patterns can take an exponential amount of time depending on the input string.

A vulnerable regexp pattern is a regexp pattern that can take an exponential amount of time, leading to REDOS. Determining whether regexp patterns are truly vulnerable or not is a difficult question, and it depends on whether you are using Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, etc., but here are some rules that apply to all of these languages:

  • Avoid nested quantifiers, such as `. The V8 regexp engine can handle some of them quickly, but others are vulnerable. (a+)*
  • Avoid OR with nested disjunctions, such as . Again, these can be fast some of the time. (a|a)*
  • Avoid using backreferences, such as . No regexp engine can guarantee evaluating those in linear time. (a.*) \1
  • If you are performing simple string matching, use or local equivalents. It will be cheaper and will never take more than .indexOfO(n)

If you are unsure whether your regexp pattern is vulnerable or not, keep in mind that Node.js typically doesn't have issues reporting match results even for vulnerable regexps and long input strings. The exponential behavior is activated when there is a mismatch but Node.js cannot be certain until it tries many paths through the input string.

There are some tools to check the safety of regexp patterns:

However, they won't necessarily catch all vulnerable regexps.

Another approach is to use a different regexp engine. You can use the node-re2 module, which uses the fast regexp engine RE2 by Google. But be warned, RE2 is not 100% compatible with V8 regexps, so test your regexps when swapping in the node-re2 module to handle your regexps. And complex regexps are not supported by node-re2.

Time-consuming Core Modules

Certain core modules of Node.js have "expensive" synchronous APIs, including:

  • Encryption
  • Compression
  • File System
  • Child Process

These APIs are expensive because they involve significant computation (encryption, compression), require I/O (file I/O), or have the potential for both (child processes). These APIs are designed for convenience scripting, but not intended for use in a server context. If you execute them on the Event Loop, they will take longer to complete compared to regular JavaScript constructs, blocking the Event Loop.

In a server, you should not use the following synchronous APIs from these modules:


  • crypto.randomBytes (sync)
  • crypto.randomFillSync (sync)
  • crypto.pbkdf2Sync (sync)

You should also be cautious when providing large input to encryption and decryption routines.


  • zlib.inflateSync
  • zlib.deflateSync

File System:

Avoid using synchronous file system APIs. For example, if the files you access are in a distributed file system like NFS, the access time may vary significantly.

Child Process:

  • child_process.spawnSync
  • child_process.execSync
  • child_process.execFileSync


JSON.parse is also an "expensive" operation. It depends on the length of the input data, so it can unexpectedly take a long time. JSON.stringify also has the same behavior, with a complexity of up to O(n).

If your server deals with JSON objects, especially processing data received from a client, you should be mindful of their size.

For example, let's create a string object with a size of 2^21, and then JSON.parse it. The string has a size of 50MB. It takes 0.7 seconds to stringify the object, 0.03 seconds to indexOf, and 1.3 seconds to parse the string.

var obj = { a: 1 };
var niter = 20;

var before, str, pos, res, took;

for (var i = 0; i < niter; i++) {
  obj = { obj1: obj, obj2: obj };

before = process.hrtime();
str = JSON.stringify(obj);
took = process.hrtime(before);
console.log('JSON.stringify took ' + took);

before = process.hrtime();
pos = str.indexOf('nomatch');
took = process.hrtime(before);
console.log('Pure indexof took ' + took);

before = process.hrtime();
res = JSON.parse(str);
took = process.hrtime(before);
console.log('JSON.parse took ' + took);

To mitigate this, there are some npm modules that provide async JSON APIs like:

  • JSONStream.
  • Big-Friendly JSON, which has stream APIs as well as async versions of standard JSON APIs using the partitioning-on-the-Event-Loop model.


The above article has presented some seemingly simple behaviors that have a significant impact on the Event Loop. In the next article, we will explore together the solutions to handling Event Loop "blocking".

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Hello, my name is Hoai - a developer who tells stories through writing ✍️ and creating products 🚀. With many years of programming experience, I have contributed to various products that bring value to users at my workplace as well as to myself. My hobbies include reading, writing, and researching... I created this blog with the mission of delivering quality articles to the readers of me through these channels LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram.

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