How to Fall Asleep?

How to Fall Asleep?

The Issue

Sleep is an essential activity for the human body. It allows the brain to rest, relieves stress and fatigue, enhances memory, and improves concentration. There have been numerous studies on the importance of sleep for humans. In short, humans cannot live without sleep.

In fact, up to 10-30% of adults suffer from chronic insomnia, and the remaining population is also at risk of this condition. Despite the benefits that sleep brings, many of us do not fully enjoy it. Not to mention the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on our health.

I personally experienced insomnia during my final years of university. I couldn't sleep at night, even though I went to bed early. It would take me until the middle of the night to finally fall asleep. My sleep was restless, and I would often wake up suddenly, leaving me feeling tired and weak.

During that time, I was quite thin. Despite being 1.69m tall, my weight fluctuated around 50kg. If you could "admire" me at that time, you would probably picture a young man sitting hunched over on a train, dozing off.

In recent years, my sleep has improved significantly. It may be due to natural changes in our bodies, or it could be the result of certain practices. Natural changes occur daily, and at some point, we naturally find it easier to sleep and have a better quality of sleep. On the other hand, practicing certain techniques can also help us fall asleep faster.

I believe that many people, especially those who work in mentally demanding jobs or programmers in particular, are at a higher risk of insomnia due to constant pressure and stress. That's why I would like to share my insomnia story and how I have dealt with it. I hope it will be helpful to you!



When it comes to falling asleep, there seem to be two types of people: those who can fall asleep as soon as they lie down and those who struggle to fall asleep.

I belong to the latter group. I often ask people who can easily fall asleep how they do it, and their answers are usually simple, such as "just sleep" or "lie down and you'll fall asleep". Well, it seems that doesn't help me much. Perhaps it's a natural ability they were born with. I often feel envious of them.

I have considered taking sleeping pills or using alcohol to help me sleep. However, I realized that it is not a good idea due to the potential health risks. It's just a thought, but I haven't actually tried it.

When researching the causes of insomnia, I learned about some common factors, such as:

  • Using stimulants like tea, coffee, energy drinks, which contain caffeine.
  • Insomnia caused by stress, overthinking, a term often used by young people nowadays.
  • Sleep disorders, which can be due to illness or irregular sleep patterns.
  • Environmental factors.
  • And many other reasons.

One irrational thing is that even though we know the causes, it's difficult to overcome them. Regardless of the reasons, we often need caffeine to stay awake and focused, stress to fight against pressure and tension in life, and overthinking cannot stop our minds from working.

Practicing to Sleep Better


Above are my opinions to explain the validity of the reasons for insomnia. The methods that have helped me fall asleep faster came to me unexpectedly after reading the book "The Art of Focus". The book revolves around how the human brain functions and how to keep the mind active and efficient through concentration. It mentions two concepts: Meditation and Power Nap.

Meditation is something that most people are familiar with. It is an activity that brings the body into a state of focused attention on something, such as breathing. During meditation, our brains are completely focused on the object, without any intrusive thoughts. It may sound simple, but if you have never meditated before, try closing your eyes and stopping your thoughts for 30 seconds to a minute to see if you can maintain that state.

Power Nap is a short but effective method to restore willpower - an essential energy for concentration. I have written an article about it titled Willpower - The Art of Focus for Developers. Power Nap is somewhat related to meditation because both techniques require focusing on something.

Thanks to these two concepts, I have been able to improve my sleep. Now, think back to the times when you struggled to fall asleep. Have you noticed what prevents you from falling asleep? Myself and others I have asked often mentioned overthinking and wandering thoughts when they close their eyes.

They shared that as soon as they lie down, a flood of thoughts rushes in, unstoppable. Joy, sadness, worry, memories, and even future planning. They keep appearing one after another, keeping the brain constantly active.

That's why, to fall asleep, we need to learn how to prevent these thoughts. That's also why you should learn meditation or take power naps.

Remember the first time you tried to meditate on your own. It was incredibly difficult, and you might have thought you would never reach that state. Simply closing your eyes with an overthinking mind cannot cut off the stream of thoughts deeply ingrained in the subconscious. But in reality, I have proven otherwise. Now, I can control my thought patterns, and I can enter a meditative state.

There are many videos and articles that provide meditation instructions. You can search and refer to them. Below is how I practice meditation every day:

  • First, find the most comfortable sitting or lying position. The most relaxed position possible.
  • Learn to breathe evenly and rhythmically. Try taking a deep breath, holding it, and exhaling slowly. Try the 7/5/6 rule - inhale for 7 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, and exhale for 6 seconds. Repeat continuously.
  • The key to meditation is to focus your thoughts on something. You can start by focusing on counting the seconds of your breath. Later, when you become more comfortable, you can focus on the flow of your breath.

One thing to note is to focus solely on counting seconds or your breath, without letting your thoughts wander elsewhere. I know this is difficult for beginners, but trust me, gradually, you will gain control over your thoughts. Once you achieve that, you will find it surprisingly easy.

Additionally, cultivate a sharp mind by reading books. Reading is my hobby, it makes me feel more comfortable and at ease. It's like a healing method for my brain. I gain knowledge and learn to organize my thoughts.

Furthermore, moderate exercise and sports contribute to a healthy body, relaxed muscles, and improved blood circulation. All of these factors contribute to better and easier sleep.


Above is my story of dealing with insomnia and how I have improved my sleep. In the past, I had a negative mindset, always seeing the worst in the best situations. I often suffered from insomnia due to this reason. Fortunately, I have found a way to "rescue" myself from this swamp. Have you ever experienced insomnia? How do you deal with it? Please share your story with everyone!

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Hello, my name is Hoai - a developer who tells stories through writing ✍️ and creating products 🚀. With many years of programming experience, I have contributed to various products that bring value to users at my workplace as well as to myself. My hobbies include reading, writing, and researching... I created this blog with the mission of delivering quality articles to the readers of me through these channels LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram.

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Comments (1)

Luc Tan6 months ago
Bài viết rất hay, lâu rồi em mới có thời gian để vào xem anh viết. Mong một ngày anh viết về chủ đề nạp nhiều Dopamine hoặc sâu hơn về Overthinking. Nếu là anh, anh sẽ triệt tiêu những thứ này như thế nào ạ, đối với một người đang gặp phải 2 vấn đề đó như em rất muốn đuợc anh chia sẻ...
Xuân Hoài Tống6 months ago
Thật vui khi thấy em quay trở lại. Nhất trí! Có thời gian anh sẽ viết chi tiết hơn về Overthinking, nhưng trước mắt em có thể thử đọc các loại sách về chủ đề tâm lý và triết học xem có thay đổi được gì không. Nếu cần tên, anh có thể gợi ý cho một vài cuốn mà thấy tâm đắc nhất.