Have you ever "accidentally" deleted a running database before? I haven't, but that's because I'm always careful and responsible. I couldn't afford to make such a mistake, as it could result in me losing my job, not to mention the aftermath of fixing and compensating for the damage caused. So, I always take precautions when working with databases or when executing commands that can modify data, such as UPDATE, DELETE, etc. I make sure to have a backup plan before executing any of these commands, in case something goes wrong, or I double-check the commands for accuracy. I even run multiple tests in a development environment.
Understanding the importance of data, most systems have a backup plan for their databases. Backup becomes crucial because if there's any issue that causes data loss, there's still a way to recover. When it comes to implementing backups, there are various methods, depending on the project and the frequency of data updates. Some methods include master-slave replication, outbox, cluster, etc.
2coffee.dev uses Redis as its database. As you can see, it already has very little data (articles), and there are more readers than writers (comments), so backing up the data is relatively quick and easy. I spend a little time each day copying the backup file, and that's it. However, if something can be automated, it should be automated, so I have a way to back up the data to Telegram automatically.
Redis has two mechanisms for persisting data to disk: RDB and AOF. As you may know, Redis stores data in RAM to speed up queries, but data in RAM is not persistent and can be lost if the computer is shut down or if the power is cut off. Therefore, Redis needs a mechanism to persist data to disk. Both methods provided by Redis can achieve this, with differences in how they work.
RDB (Redis Database) is a method that stores data in a very compact file. RDB files are perfect for backups. You can configure RDB to create backups every 1 hour, 24 hours, 30 days, etc. This allows you to easily restore different versions of the dataset in case of any issues. Simply put, a new RDB file will be created to replace the old one whenever the scheduled time comes. You can use this file to quickly restore the data. In addition, the data recovery speed of RDB is faster than AOF.
The Append Only File (AOF) is a different approach compared to RDB. AOF works by appending every command or data change to a file. When restoring data with AOF, Redis replays all the commands stored in the file. AOF is great when you want almost instant data persistence. It includes options such as turning it off, writing every second, and writing every query. With the every second option, the write performance is still impressive. If there is an unexpected power loss, you may only lose the data from the last second.
Redis has a detailed documentation on these two mechanisms and how to set them up. If you're interested, you can refer to Redis persistence.
Currently, I'm using a combination of both methods. The directory used to store backup data is /data
, so all I need to do is set up a cronjob to compress the /data
directory into a file, and then send it to Telegram using a Telegram bot. Telegram has a file size limit of 50MB when sending files with a bot, but that's much larger than my file size, which only takes ~2MB for the .zip file. I think with this speed, it would take another 10 years for the data to exceed 50MB :D. Just kidding, if the file size increases in the future, there will be alternative solutions, such as sending it to Google Drive.
You can use any programming language you prefer to implement the cronjob, as long as it's feasible. All you need to do is compress the /data
directory and send it to Telegram through a single API call. I chose Golang for its lightweight and efficiency.
The main functions include zipFile
, generateFilename
, createTelegramDocument
, and removeFile
The zipFile
function is used to compress the /data
directory, and it takes a filename
parameter as the name of the compressed file.
func zipFile(filename string) (*os.File, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := utils.Compress(config.DIR_TO_BACKUP, &buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fileToWrite, err := os.OpenFile(fmt.Sprintf("./%s", filename), os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.FileMode(0777))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := io.Copy(fileToWrite, &buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
return fileToWrite, nil
The generateFilename
function is used to generate the file name. In my case, I want the file name to be in the format 2coffee
concatenated with the creation date.
func generateFilename() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("estacks-%s.zip", time.Now().Format("2006-02-01"))
The removeFile
function is used to delete the compressed file after successfully sending it to Telegram to clean up memory.
func removeFile(filePath string) error {
err := os.Remove(filePath)
return err
Combining these functions, I created a TeleBackupRedis
struct with a run
method to perform the backup and send the message.
type TeleBackupRedis struct{}
func (t TeleBackupRedis) run() {
teleBot := utils.TeleBot{}
generationFilename := generateFilename()
backupFilePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", config.ROOT_PATH, generationFilename)
_, err := zipFile(generationFilename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error when zip file", err)
caption := fmt.Sprintf("Redis data backup on %s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"))
teleFile := &tb.Document{File: tb.File{FileLocal: filePath}, FileName: fileName, Caption: caption}
err = teleBot.SendChannelMessage(config.TELE_REQUEST_CHANNEL_ID, teleFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error when send file", err)
err = removeFile(backupFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error when remove zip file", err)
fmt.Println("Last running:", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
Finally, I run the run
function at 0 hour 1 minute every day.
Backing up data is crucial. The implementation depends on the type of database. For Redis, set up the backup mechanism accordingly and store the generated Redis backup file. In my case, I added an additional step to send the backup file to Telegram for convenient monitoring and future recovery.
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